Why are records missing from my import?
If you are missing records after completing a data wizard, there are several things to check:
1. Are the missing records in the source of your data wizard? Data wizards based on reports have an action "View Report" to open it directly: click the down arrow (action menu) on the data wizard.
2. If the data wizard runs successfully, it should show a completed status. If the status says 'Failed,' you can click the red badge for more information. We may also record a Maintenance Log in Mailchimp Settings, and you can subscribe to a report we include called "Failed Imports."
3. When you check the results of the data wizard, are any errors shown? Click the down arrow on the wizard and then View Results.
Note that we can't import records without emails, so your source report/list should be filtered on records with emails or the number of lines in the report may be larger.