Data Wizard
Subscribe records from any Salesforce object to Mailchimp.
Map Salesforce fields to Mailchimp custom fields.
Add people to groups or tags.
Schedule to automate the process.
The import wizard creates new members in a Subscribed status. Be sure to omit from your source any email that shouldn't be subscribed.
Archived members: If your import includes records that are archived, we user the setting on the last page of the wizard: "Filter Archived Records." If enabled, we won't set archived members back to active. If disabled, archived members will be set back to active in Mailchimp.
Double opt-in: If double opt-in is enabled in Mailchimp, those re-activated (and any newly imported) emails are considered new. They will receive a confirmation email.
Unsubscribed members: We will never set a record that is unsubscribed back to active.