Support | Admin Guides | Maintenance
Maintenance Codes
This batch process handles the synchronization of Mailchimp list history with Salesforce. It retrieves all list history from your Mailchimp account and updates or creates corresponding records in Salesforce. If you're seeing an error here, it likely means there was an issue either connecting to Mailchimp to fetch your list history or saving these list history in Salesforce. This sync is crucial for tracking Mailchimp list history and their associated data in Salesforce. If you need additional assistance, contact Beaufort 12 support at
This batch process handles the synchronization of Mailchimp processes with Salesforce. It retrieves all processes from your Mailchimp account and updates or creates corresponding records in Salesforce. If you're seeing an error here, it likely means there was an issue either connecting to Mailchimp to fetch your processes or saving these processes in Salesforce. This sync is crucial for tracking Mailchimp processes and their associated data in Salesforce. If you need additional assistance, contact Beaufort 12 support at
This batch process handles the synchronization of Mailchimp configuration settings with Salesforce. It retrieves configuration settings prepares the system for the actual member sync and updates or creates corresponding records in Salesforce. If you're seeing an error here, it likely means there was an issue either connecting to Mailchimp to fetch your configuration settings or saving these settings in Salesforce. This sync is crucial for maintaining accurate and up-to-date Mailchimp settings in Salesforce. If you need additional assistance, contact Beaufort 12 support at
This batch process handles the synchronization of Mailchimp campaigns with Salesforce. It retrieves all campaigns from your Mailchimp account and updates or creates corresponding records in Salesforce. If you're seeing an error here, it likely means there was an issue either connecting to Mailchimp to fetch your campaigns or saving these campaigns in Salesforce. This sync is crucial for tracking email campaigns and their associated data in Salesforce. If you need additional assistance, contact Beaufort 12 support at
This batch process handles the synchronization of email opt-outs between Salesforce and Mailchimp. If you're seeing an error here, it likely means there was an issue either retrieving email opt-out data from Mailchimp or saving it to Salesforce. Common causes include API connection issues, permission problems in Salesforce, or trying to sync an unusually large audience. Check your Mailchimp connection settings and ensure you have the necessary Salesforce permissions to create/update records. If you need additional assistance, contact Beaufort 12 support at
This batch process handles importing data from Salesforce into Mailchimp using a Data Wizard. It maps your Salesforce fields to Mailchimp fields, processes records in batches, and updates both systems. If you're seeing an error, it's likely due to one of these common issues: Missing or incorrect email field mapping Invalid SOQL query Missing Mailchimp account configuration Issues with field permissions or access rights The process supports importing from List Views, Campaigns, and custom SOQL queries, making it flexible for handling large datasets. Unlike report-based imports, SOQL-based imports have no practical record limit. If you need additional assistance, contact Beaufort 12 support at
This batch process synchronizes Mailchimp Interest Groups with Salesforce. It retrieves all Interest Groups from your Mailchimp account and updates or creates corresponding records in Salesforce. If you're seeing an error here, it likely means there was an issue either connecting to Mailchimp to fetch your Interest Groups, or there were problems saving these groups in Salesforce. This sync is a crucial step before member synchronization can begin, as members need to be associated with the correct Interest Groups.
This batch process counts and syncs Mailchimp audience members with Salesforce. If you're seeing an error here, it means there was a problem either counting members in your Mailchimp audience or syncing interest categories (groups). This is typically the first step in the sync process, where we check how many members need to be synced and prepare the system for the actual member sync. Common causes for errors include API connection issues with Mailchimp, permission problems in Salesforce, or trying to sync an unusually large audience. Check your Mailchimp connection settings and ensure you have the necessary Salesforce permissions to create/update records. If you need additional assistance, contact Beaufort 12 support at
This batch process syncs email activity data (opens, clicks, sends, bounces, and unsubscribes) from Mailchimp to Salesforce. If you're seeing an error, it likely means there was an issue retrieving the email activity data from Mailchimp or saving it to Salesforce. Common causes include API connection issues, hitting Mailchimp API limits, or permission issues in Salesforce. The system will automatically retry syncing failed campaigns in the next sync cycle. If errors persist, check your Mailchimp connection settings and ensure your Salesforce user has the necessary permissions to create/update Email Activity records. If you need additional assistance, contact Beaufort 12 support at
This batch process synchronizes member data between Salesforce and Mailchimp. It handles member updates, unsubscribes, and bounced emails. If you're seeing an error, it may be because:
The sync is trying to process too many members at once (limit of 10,000 records)
There are duplicate member records in your Mailchimp audience
There are permission issues accessing member records
The connection to Mailchimp's API has timed out
Consider syncing smaller audiences separately or checking your Mailchimp audience for duplicate entries.
If the error persists, ensure your Salesforce user has the necessary permissions to access and modify member records (via our permission set).
If you need additional assistance, contact Beaufort 12 support at
This batch process imports contacts from a Salesforce report into Mailchimp. It reads the report data row by row, maps the fields according to your configuration, and sends the data to Mailchimp. The process handles email validation, field mapping, and ensures proper synchronization of tags and groups. If you're seeing an error, it's likely due to either report configuration issues (like missing required fields), invalid email addresses, or the report structure not matching the expected format. The report must be in tabular format and contain the email field you specified in the mapping configuration. If you need additional assistance, contact Beaufort 12 support at
This batch process handles queued Mailchimp synchronization tasks for contacts and leads, such as subscription updates, email changes, and bulk unsubscribes. If you're seeing an error, it likely means one of the following: The system hit Salesforce limits while processing your Mailchimp queue (there's a 100-item limit per batch to prevent this) You may not have the required permissions to delete queue items or process records The queue items are older than 5 hours and have expired Try running the sync with a smaller batch of records, or contact your Salesforce administrator to verify your permissions. For large syncs, consider breaking them into smaller groups. If you need additional assistance, contact Beaufort 12 support at
This process handles the synchronization of Mailchimp members with your Salesforce records (Leads, Contacts, and Person Accounts). When you receive an error here, it typically means there was an issue matching or updating records between Mailchimp and Salesforce based on your configured field mappings. Common causes include invalid field values, missing required fields (like Last Name), or permission issues. Check your field mappings in the Mailchimp for Salesforce settings and ensure the running user has the necessary permissions to create/update the mapped records. Please review any error messages displayed alongside this error for more specific details about what went wrong. If you need additional assistance, contact Beaufort 12 support at
There was a general error when attempting to save a Data Wizard job. This will be accompanied by a message with the details. E.g. perhaps the Salesforce org has run out of storage. etc.
Mailchimp reported errors with the import. Check the associated message for details or contact us at contact us for help.
Mailchimp reported errors with the import. Check the associated message for details or contact us for help.
Mailchimp has returned a generic error message. You might encounter this error when importing Salesforce records into Mailchimp. This Mailchimp error is typically followed by a more descriptive message. e.g. has signed up to a lot of lists very recently; we're not allowing more signups for now.
When running a List view/SOQL/Campaign based Data Wizard job, the Mailchimp email field was not mapped. Review the mappings for the job and check that an email field is mapped.
The Mailchimp account associated with the List view/SOQL/Campaign based Data Wizard job was missing. Check that the Mailchimp account is connected. Consider recreating the Data Wizard job. The associated ID refers to the Data Wizard record.
A problem was found in the Apex Logs for the Data Wizard batch job related to a Salesforce List View, SOQL or Salesforce Campaign. Check the associated error for details.
The Salesforce report associated with the Data Wizard was corrupted or not compatible. Re-save the Salesforce report as tabular and try the Wizard again.
The Salesforce report associated with the Data Wizard was too large. The report may contain a maximum of 50,000 records. Consider using a List View or SOQL based Data Wizard as these have no practical limit.
The Salesforce report associated with the Data Wizard was not compatible or corrupted. Re-save the Salesforce report as tabular and try the Wizard again.
The Salesforce report associated with the Data Wizard was not compatible or corrupted. Re-save the Salesforce report as tabular and try the Wizard again.
An error occurred whilst preparing a report for the Data Wizard. The associated ID refers to the Data Wizard record. Check this record refers to a Salesforce report that a) the user has access to or exists, b) that the report is not corrupted - edit the report and save it again.
When running a report based Data Wizard job, the Mailchimp email field was not mapped. Review the mappings for the job and check that an email field is mapped.
The Mailchimp account associated with the report-based Data Wizard job was missing. Check that the Mailchimp account is connected. Consider recreating the Data Wizard job. The associated ID refers to the Data Wizard record.
A problem was found in the Apex logs for the Data Wizard batch job related to a Salesforce report. Check the associated error for details.
An error occurred whilst attempting to retrieve List view metadata from Salesforce. If the problem persists, contact Beaufort 12 support.
Unable to retrieve details of Salesforce users when managing permissions on the user security screen. See:
When running the sync, we check what version the Salesforce Org is configured with. This error means the running user (i.e. the user assigned to run the primary sync) doesn't have permissions to view the Organization object. Check the user has the “View Setup and Configuration” permission.
An error occurred whilst trying to check the sync status. This is likely to be a permissions issue. Users must have the “View Setup and Configuration” permission.
The default value provided in the Mappings screen (direction of Mailchimp to Salesforce), is invalid for the selected Salesforce field. Check the default value and ensure it matches the data type in Salesforce or that it matches any validation rules etc.
Rules are used to process Mailchimp record in Salesforce. For example, you may have configured the Rule to create a Salesforce contact for new Mailchimp members. This exception can occur for a number of reasons, e.g. the contact record has strict validation rules which cannot be met with Mailchimp data. Use the Validation button on the Mappings screen to check for issues. Typically the associated error will contain the reason for the error.
An error occurred whilst attempting to update a Mailchimp record with Salesforce data. This may occur when a Salesforce user triggers an update on a contact, which in turn checks if there is a linked Mailchimp Member. It then attempts to update Mailchimp with the mapped Salesforce details. Most of the time, the trigger action is completely unrelated to Mailchimp, but if the fields are mapped, we always need to check if the data needs to be synced from Salesforce to Mailchimp (i.e. the error can typically be ignored). It's at this time an error might occur. E.g. it could be the update was triggered by a Salesforce user with limited permissions and no access to Mailchimp. See associated error for details.
This is an internal warning. It indicates that there were no Members provided for processing. It's possible the Member has already been deleted in Salesforce or is not accessible due to permission issues.
A general warning occurred whilst attempting to push a Salesforce record to Mailchimp. Check the associated message for details.
The Salesforce email field was not specified when attempting to push a Salesforce record to Mailchimp, e.g. if you are pushing a Contact record from Salesforce to Mailchimp, check that you have the Contact email field mapped on the Field mappings screen (either the Data Wizard mappings or the generic Field mappings screen, in the direction of Salesforce to Mailchimp).
The Audience supplied when attempting to push a Salesforce record to Mailchimp was missing. Check the sync has run and that the list exists in Mailchimp.
When attempting to set Mailchimp Members to archived, the Salesforce callout limit was reached. If you are processing Members in bulk, consider reducing the batch size.
Only Mailchimp members in a certain status can be set to archived. You cannot archive a contact that is bounced, pending or archived. See:
The email address being sent to Mailchimp is in the incorrect format. Check the email address for incorrect characters, spaces, dots etc.
An error occurred whilst trying to update or insert a Mailchimp Member in Salesforce. Check the associated error for more details. Also check the use has one of our permissions sets. See:
An error occurred whilst trying to save changes to Mailchimp Audience (list) record. This could result in the Audience details not being updated in Mailchimp. Check the associated error for more details.
We will automatically attempt to add the Mailchimp Members component to the default page layout. However, this is only possible if the Salesforce Contact or Lead layout already has a lightning page activated. If we cannot automatically add the layout, you we get this maintenance code and you will need to either activate the pages or add the components manually.
You can find an interactive demo on how to manually update page layouts here.
An error occurred whilst trying to sync Mailchimp Members to Salesforce. Check the associated error for more details. In particular check the primary sync user has the correct permission set (Mailchimp Admin).
An error occurred whilst trying to collecting Mailchimp Member stats and Mailchimp Group information. Check the associated error for more details. In particular check the primary sync user has the correct permission set (Mailchimp Admin).
An error occurred whilst trying to update or insert Mailchimp Category information (I.e. groups/interests categories.) Check the associated error for more details.
We will automatically attempt to add the Mailchimp Members component to the default page layout. However, this is only possible if the Salesforce Contact or Lead layout already has a lightning page activated. If we cannot automatically add the layout, you we get this maintenance code and will need to manually add the components. You can find more information on that here:
An error occurred whilst trying to sync Mailchimp Audience history stats. These stats are used in Salesforce reports and with the Audience charts. Check the associated error for more details.
There was an issue contacting the Beaufort 12 API. This may be due to a maintenance window. If the issue persists, contact Beaufort 12 support for assistance.
There was an error when attempting to start an internal licence job name 'Mailchimp Licence'. If this occurs, your licence may be disabled. Ensure there are enough spare Salesforce scheduled jobs available.
There were too many scheduled Data Wizard jobs running. The current job will be placed back in the queue and processed later. A round-robin approach is used to jobs. This is just a warning, it means Data Wizard jobs may take longer to process than expected. Consider reducing the number of Data Wizard jobs you have running and instead consider using Mailchimp segments.
An error occurred whilst trying to sync Mailchimp Groups/Interests records to Salesforce. Check the associated error for more details.
The primary sync user does not have the "Mailchimp Admin" permission set. See:
The user does not have permission to view stored Salesforce licence information. The user needs to be granted access to the PackageLicense object. Under the user's profile enable the 'Manage Package Licenses' checkbox.
This Sandbox was connected to a different Salesforce Org. Reconnect the Salesforce Sandbox to Mailchimp. This is to avoid accidentally using production data in a test environment.
An error occurred whilst trying to update or insert detailed stored Mailchimp Email Activity records (E.g. clicks, opens etc.). Check the associated error for more details.
A generic error occurred whilst processing a Data Wizard job based on a List View, SOQL or Campaign. Check the Data Wizard configuration. The Id mentioned in the error points to the Salesforce record Id for the Data Wizard. It's likely there was a permissions error, or the SOQL associated with the Wizard is incorrect.
If the Data Wizard encounters an error when running, this error will be raised. More detail on the error can be typically be found on the Data Wizard screen using the Results menu item associated with the Wizard job.
When the Data Wizard runs, the app will check if enough Salesforce scheduled slots are available to schedule the Wizard. If not, this error is raised. Check Salesforce scheduled jobs for spare slots. Also check that triggers are enabled (if all triggers are disabled, the Data Wizard schedule is prevented from running).
When configuring a Data Wizard based on a Salesforce report, this error may be raised if the running user does not have permissions to view Salesforce reports.
The config batch runs through each connected Mailchimp Audience and builds up information in preparation for the primary sync. The error will be accompanied by more detail. E.g. the user running the primary sync may not have the correct permissions.
There was a problem syncing Mailchimp Campaigns to Salesforce. Review the associated message for more details.
The Mailchimp Audience does not exist. This can occur when attempting to refresh Mailchimp Campaigns to Salesforce. The most likely cause is that the Audience has been recently deleted directly from Mailchimp.
There was a problem adding or removing a Member from a Mailchimp Audience. Review the associated message for more details.