When do my Salesforce contacts or lead get updated by the integration?

Salesforce contacts or leads will be updated by the integration under any of the following conditions:

  1. Fields mapped:

    • If you have fields mapped in the Mailchimp > Salesforce direction, updates will occur during a sync when:

      • A new member is added to the audience: Mapped data is pushed to Salesforce during the first sync.

      • An existing member in Mailchimp has changed since the last sync: Any updates to the mapped fields in Mailchimp will be synced to Salesforce.

  2. Opt-Out Feature Enabled:

    • If the Opt-Out feature is turned on and all related members are unsubscribed in Mailchimp, the integration will immediately update Salesforce to reflect the Opt-Out status.

  3. Full Sync:

    • Running a full sync on the account or audience will ensure all mapped data is updated in Salesforce.

Important Notes:

  • The integration will only update the Salesforce contact or lead when any of the above conditions are met.

  • Be aware of other processes in your system:

    • Rollups or Jobs Updating Records: If you have rollups or other automated jobs updating a large number of records, they may affect the syncing process.

    • Regular Updates to Mailchimp Members: If something in your system frequently updates all Mailchimp members, it could trigger syncs for those changes.

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