How can I segment my Salesforce data in Mailchimp
There are several methods available to segment your data depending on your specific needs:
1. Using the Data Wizard with Reports, List Views, SOQL, and Campaigns:
The data wizard supports various Salesforce data sources, including reports, list views, SOQL queries, and campaigns. Each source can be filtered according to your criteria, ensuring only the desired records are passed from Salesforce to Mailchimp.
2. Mapping Custom Fields to Mailchimp:
The data wizard allows you to map custom fields from Salesforce to Mailchimp. Once these fields are in Mailchimp, you can use them to create precise segments tailored to your marketing strategy. More on Mailchimp Segmenting
3. Working with Groups and Tags:
The data wizard also supports adding members in the source to groups and tags within Mailchimp.
4. Field Mappings for Automated Updates:
Field mappings enable you to link specific fields from Salesforce contacts or leads directly to Mailchimp merge fields. When a record is edited or created in Salesforce, these changes automatically update the corresponding records in Mailchimp.
5. Invokable Actions for Dynamic Segmentation:
We offer invocable actions that can be called in code or a flow, allowing you to dynamically add or remove individuals to an audience or specific tags in Mailchimp.
Suggested FAQ: Data wizard and field mappings comparison