Can I sync Mailchimp Campaigns to Salesforce Campaigns?

Mailchimp Campaigns are synced to our custom object in Salesforce and displayed in custom components designed to share the data available in Mailchimp. You can also report on the data via our custom objects: Mailchimp Campaign and Email Activity History (if enabled). We include some packaged reports to get you started.

We currently don't support creating and updating Salesforce Campaigns and Campaign Members from Mailchimp Campaigns. Creating them when the necessary information already exists in our records would introduce additional processing and storage issues. Given that every organization has a unique campaign structure and engagement framework, the flexibility required introduces a lot of confusion for users and admins alike. 

We have added it to our roadmap, but can't guarantee if or when we will add this feature. Please see these resources for using Mailchimp Campaigns in Salesforce for your analysis needs:

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