How can I subscribe more than one email address from one Salesforce contact?

Our Data Wizard enables you to seamlessly add any email address from Salesforce to Mailchimp. If you wish to sync more than one email from a contact or lead to Mailchimp, create a data wizard for each email field and filter your data source to the contacts who want to subscribe with each email address.

For example, if you want to subscribe the Email field and a custom alternative_email__c field:

  • Create a report that filters on records with Email populated and opted in (per your internal processes)
  • Create a report that filters on records with alternative_email__c populated and opted in (do.)
  • Create two Data Wizards, using each report above as its source
  • The wizards will create a Mailchimp Member for each email included. 

To connect both members back to the Salesforce contact or lead and display both on the member component there, add the alternative_email__c to your Mailchimp to Salesforce field mappings under matching rules


  • Each data wizard will need its own field mapping, so that the values on the contact are pushed correctly for that email address. It's up to you if each email is mapped with the same data, depending on your use case.
  • Be sure to review field mapping considerations for orgs subscribing multiple emails per contact.
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