Mailing History
See which emails your customers are opening, clicking on etc.
Manage what email tracking data is pulled back into Salesforce.
Show summarised stats using the email activity Component.
The default is to store actual Email Tracking History records in Salesforce. These records are linked automatically to contacts and leads, are available as a related list on layouts, and you can report on them in Salesforce. The downside is they take up Salesforce storage, but for most of our customers this will not be an issue.
The other option is to disable email tracking history and use our lightning component on pages, instead of a related list. The Lightning Component surface data from Emma in real-time and therefore does not create any Salesforce records, so storage becomes less of an issue. It does, however, mean that you cannot create Salesforce reports on the data.
Either option is easy to work with, and you can always change your mind at a later date. See: managing storage.
Only Salesforce Lightning users can view the component.
Viewing email history
Email tracking information can be viewed on a Salesforce lead or contact record, and an Emma audience record under mailing history. The email tracking related list (stored records) is added to both the contact and lead pages automatically upon install. You can easily remove the related list and in the component, steps below:
Adding the email history lightning component
Within Salesforce lightning, navigate to a Salesforce contact or lead record.
Click on the Setup cog on the top right.
Select Edit page.
On the Left side, pane scroll use the search components to find email activity.
Once found Drag and drop email activity on the page.
Click Save.
We recommend that a Salesforce system administrator with experience working with Lighting page layouts adds the component.
The component only works with objects that have a least one email field.
This screen shows any associated tracking email statistics pulled in from Emma see: Mailing history
Open and Click Rates
Open and click rates can provide an indication on subscriber engagement. When combined with other local Salesforce records they can be a powerful tool for metrics like lead scoring i.e. show all members who have an open rate of X% that also have subscribed to existing products.
Open and Click rates can be found on the Member detail screen for a subscriber. The rate fields are available to Salesforce reports via the Emma audience object (fields: em4sf__Click_Rate__c and em4sf__Open_Rate__c).
The rate fields are calculated from the records stored within Salesforce. The rates may be different to Emma depending on what is Stored in Salesforce.