Support | The Basics | Email tracking statistics
Email Tracking Statistics See which emails your customers are opening, clicking on etc.
Manage what email tracking data is pulled back into Salesforce.
Show summarized stats using the email activity component.
Campaign Monitor stores interactions made by a subscriber. An interaction is grouped into sent, opened, clicked, unsubscribed, bounced, etc. Our integration can pull a copy if this data into Salesforce via our primary sync which by default runs every hour. The interaction data for campaigns or journeys is stored in our Email Tracking History custom object. This object appears as a related list on contacts or leads (illustrated below) and can be used to build Salesforce reports.
Storing email tracking data in Salesforce is a premium feature. If you switch to the free plan, email tracking data will be removed from your Salesforce org and the ability to control it will be disabled.
Lightning Components Optionally you can add one of our Lightning components to the page. Components show similar information to the email tracking history object, but instead of using stored records in Salesforce, it surfaces the data from Campaign Monitor. Surfacing means data is not stored in Salesforce, and therefore it is not taking up any of your storage capacity.
Campaigns & Journeys The Email Activity & Journeys component will show you tracking data by surfacing it in real-time in Campaign Monitor. In addition, it will provide a summary as indicated at the very bottom. Surfacing data is a good option if you prefer not to store data using your Salesforce storage allowance. The component also has another advantage: it can be added to any page layout. So, for example, you could add the component to a case page layout. Once added, you must click the cog icon and select an email field found on the object. Once a field is selected, if the email address contained in the field exists in the linked Campaign Monitor account and has an email tracking history, it will be displayed.
Journey information will only appear if there has been an interaction with an email. So if a person has been sent an email but not opened it, nothing will appear in the component.
Smart Emails (transactional) Smart Emails use a different set of Campaign Monitor APIs and do not work the same as campaigns or journeys. Instead, you have the possibility of creating a Salesforce task or message. If you create a task or message, you can also use a separate Lightning Component to surface email interactions.
A component can only be added to the contact or lead Salesforce lightning page layout. The component will show both campaign and journey tracking data. Components have in-built filters.
Adding Lightning Components Within Salesforce lightning, navigate to a Salesforce contact or Lead record.
Click on the Setup cog on the top right.
Select Edit page .
On the left side, pane scroll uses the search components to find the Campaigns & Journeys and the Transactional Email Activity components.
Once found drag and drop email activity on the page.
Click Save.
When a Salesforce task or message is created as part of the transactional send process the component will update based on data stored in Campaign. You can choose between different email templates being sent using the dropdown arrow, click to see a preview of the email or refresh the component to pull in the latest data (illustrated below).
The email tracking component will only work if the create tasks option is enabled on the Smart Email Mapping template as shown above. Campaign Monitor data is surfaced and therefore not available to Salesforce reporting.
Next Steps Below are two articles that are recommended reading and the best next steps.
Can I see Campaign Monitor email activity in the Salesforce Activities Timeline? Salesforce manages the Salesforce Activity component for Lightning Pages. Campaign Monitor for Salesforce includes its own components to display email tracking information and subscriptions. These can be added to your contact or lead lighting pages where required.
Email Activity & Journeys - surfaces the contact's interaction with your CM Campaigns Transactional Emails - surfaces transactional emails sent to that record Subscriptions - all list subscriptions for the Email on that record
Instructions: Adding components to pages
FAQ: Filtering components
What happens with a person replies to an email? If a person replies to an email, that reply will go back to the address you used in Campaign Monitor. We cannot sync replies back to Salesforce.
Can I trigger a Campaign Monitor Journey from Salesforce? A Campaign Monitor Journey is an automated email or series of emails triggered by specific events in Campaign Monitor. They are often used to welcome new subscribers or engage customers. Campaign Monitor for Salesforce can trigger Journeys in several ways, detailed below, and track journey email engagement. Journey emails can merge in Salesforce data as well, by mapping the necessary fields to Campaign Monitor custom fields. Here are the journey triggers you can leverage with a Salesforce integration:
Subscriber joins a list -
Enable the "Trigger joins a list journey's when adding subscribers" in CM Settings tab, under general settings. Then use the import wizard (recommended) or subscriber rules to add your Salesforce contacts or leads to the list. Write your journey to trigger when a subscriber joins a list.
Subscriber enters or exits a segment -
Import the Salesforce data you would like to segment on, via an import wizard or field mapping. Create segmentation rules in Campaign Monitor based on those fields. Segments are dynamic, and subscribers will come on and off them as soon as the data included in the rule changes. Write your journey to trigger from the segment entrance/exit.
A date or anniversary of a date -
Map the Salesforce date field to a custom field via the import wizard or field mappings. Write your journey to trigger from that custom date field.
Note: We highly recommend you test journeys thoroughly before going live with your production Salesforce data. Learn more about Campaign Monitor
journey trigger frequency .
Can I trigger a Campaign Monitor Journey from Salesforce? A Campaign Monitor Journey is an automated email or series of emails triggered by specific events in Campaign Monitor. They are often used to welcome new subscribers or engage customers. Campaign Monitor for Salesforce can trigger Journeys in several ways, detailed below, and track journey email engagement. Journey emails can merge in Salesforce data as well, by mapping the necessary fields to Campaign Monitor custom fields. Here are the journey triggers you can leverage with a Salesforce integration:
Subscriber joins a list -
Enable the "Trigger joins a list journey's when adding subscribers" in CM Settings tab, under general settings. Then use the import wizard (recommended) or subscriber rules to add your Salesforce contacts or leads to the list. Write your journey to trigger when a subscriber joins a list.
Subscriber enters or exits a segment -
Import the Salesforce data you would like to segment on, via an import wizard or field mapping. Create segmentation rules in Campaign Monitor based on those fields. Segments are dynamic, and subscribers will come on and off them as soon as the data included in the rule changes. Write your journey to trigger from the segment entrance/exit.
A date or anniversary of a date -
Map the Salesforce date field to a custom field via the import wizard or field mappings. Write your journey to trigger from that custom date field.
Note: We highly recommend you test journeys thoroughly before going live with your production Salesforce data. Learn more about Campaign Monitor
journey trigger frequency .
Can I trigger a Campaign Monitor Journey from Salesforce? A Campaign Monitor Journey is an automated email or series of emails triggered by specific events in Campaign Monitor. They are often used to welcome new subscribers or engage customers. Campaign Monitor for Salesforce can trigger Journeys in several ways, detailed below, and track when the automated journey emails are sent on contacts and leads. Journey emails can merge in Salesforce data as well, by mapping the necessary fields to Campaign Monitor custom fields. Here are the journey triggers you can leverage with a Salesforce integration:
Subscriber joins a list -
Enable the "Trigger joins a list journey's when adding subscribers" in CM Settings tab, under general settings. Then use the import wizard (recommended) or subscriber rules to add your Salesforce contacts or leads to the list. Write your journey to trigger when a subscriber joins a list.
Subscriber enters or exits a segment -
Import the Salesforce data you would like to segment on, via an import wizard or field mapping. Create segmentation rules in Campaign Monitor based on those fields. Segments are dynamic, and subscribers will come on and off them as soon as the data included in the rule changes. Write your journey to trigger from the segment entrance/exit.
A date or anniversary of a date -
Map the Salesforce date field to a custom field via the import wizard or field mappings. Write your journey to trigger from that custom date field.
Note: We highly recommend you test journeys thoroughly before going live with your production Salesforce data. Learn more about Campaign Monitor
journey trigger frequency .
How can I view my email tracking history in Salesforce? You have a couple of options when working with email tracking in Salesforce:
When you first connect Campaign Monitor to Salesforce, we will sync and store the last 365 days of history in our email tracking history object. This will appear on the contact or lead page layouts. You can tune how much data to keep via the sync settings page. If you would prefer to have the data in real-time but not stored in Salesforce you can instead use the lightning web component.
Here are all the details on those two options:
How do activities work with smart emails? You can create a Salesforce task or message when you set up a smart email mapping. You can only do this if your root object allows activities. Creating tasks or messages is necessary if you want to see tracking activity in our lightning component. Without a task or message, you will not be able to see transactional tracking information. It is also worth noting that an activity will be created for each recipient. So if you email a person and include a cc two activity records will be created.
Can I view email tracking history on any object? When you send out a mass email via Campaign Monitor, we can create email tracking history records within Salesforce as long as your settings permit this (by default they do). An email tracking history record can be linked to a contact, person account or lead, matched via the standard email address field. On the contact or lead page layout, you can view our email tracking history-related list. Ask your admin if you don't have access.
The related list can't be added to objects other than contact or lead. You can, however, add our Lightning component, which works on any object with an email field. The component surfaces data rather than storing it locally. To learn more, please see -
Change the lightning component filter To be respectful of Salesforce limits we'll apply a subscriber list filter to the component if the person is on 10 or more lists.
You can increase this limit, to do so please:
1. Go to the
maintenance page.
2. Click on the
cog icon
3. Scroll down to
List Limit for Journey Component and change the number from 10
4. Click
Are there any limits when working with the email tracking lightning component? You have two choices when it comes to viewing email tracking history in Salesforce. We can store data in our custom object (email tracking history) this is useful if you want to work with Salesforce reporting. Or you could use our lightning component which surfaces the data in real-time direct from Campaign Monitor. Both options are viewable from the Salesforce contact or lead page layout. Surfaced data is not stored in Salesforce so is not available for reporting. The advantage of surfaced data is that it does not count against your storage limits. The component is usually added to a Salesforce contact or lead, it will show how they have interacted with your Campaign Monitor campaigns. If the person is on more than ten subscriber lists a dropdown will appear allowing you to select the appropriate list. The reason for this is to be respectful of Salesforce limits.
Email tracking guide
Why are email tracking statistics not being synced? Email tracking history is loaded into Salesforce as part of the primary sync, which runs every hour by default. Although rare, there are a few reasons why tracking data might be missing.
The first checks can all be done from our sync settings page. Click here to begin.
Check the Email Tracking History section settings. At the very bottom of the page, there is a Salesforce Storage indicator check to ensure it is under 100%. If all the settings look correct, try running Full sync . Just click the dropdown arrow next to the Sync Now button. Remember that email tracking history might have been created but not linked to the contact or lead you are viewing. Consider using Salesforce global search with the email address found in Campaign Monitor. An email tracking history could be linked to a duplicate contact or lead or not linked to any record.
What happens if a subscriber interacts multiple times in a single minute? If there are multiple interactions of a certain type within the same minute, we will only store a single record. i.e. if a subscriber opens the email multiple times within the same minute, then you will only see one record.
How do I reduce the amount of storage being used by email tracking history? Like any app that creates records, Campaign Monitor for Salesforce uses some of your record storage capacity. Each Salesforce record takes approximately 2KB, so if you have 10,000 email tracking history records, this will take up approximately 20MB of space. Storage levels are not a concern for most customers, but if you need to tune how much tracking data is stored in Salesforce, you have a couple of options.
Within sync settings, you can choose how much tracking data to sync and what types. In combination with the point above, you could use our lightning component, which surfaces the data from Campaign Monitor. So you could not store any tracking data via the sync settings and use the component. For more storage information, please click here .
Will email tracking still be stored if there is no matching contact or lead? The application will attempt to find and link the email tracking record to a Salesforce contact or lead. If there is no match, then the records will still be created in Salesforce (and can be used in reports etc), but they will not be connected to a contact or lead.
Can I view email tracking records in a Salesforce report or dashboards? If you are storing email tracking history in Salesforce you can use reports or dashboards. Included in our application are several custom Salesforce report types that allow further analysis of the tracking statistics. i.e. show me all the people who clicked on a particular link that also have a lead status that equals web.
How does the consent to track field work with Salesforce? Campaign Monitor consent to track field is optional as some countries require or prefer tracking emails. It simply tracks whether you have permission to email the subscriber. You can find more information here . In Salesforce, there is no standard field called permission to track. When we add or update a record in Campaign Monitor, the permission to track field will be set to unchanged by default. This simply means we won't change or influence that value. This is unless you have created a field in Salesforce and mapped it to Campaign Monitor permission to track using our import wizard or field mapping features.