Maintenance Codes & Messages
This page contains all the codes and messages you may see on the maintenance screen in Salesforce.
An error occurred whilst calculating Eventbrite statistics for total events and total orders for each Event per event org (if multiple Orgs are connected). Try performing a full sync. If you continue see this code, please contact us with any details around what actions had occurred that resulted in this error.
An error occurred whilst identifying package information. Check associated error message.
The Eventbrite API is temporarily unavailable or unresponsive. This can occur on any callout to Eventbrite. Typically the best option is to wait a few minutes and try the same action again.
An error occurred when trying to setup the schedule for the the primary sync. The most likely cause is that you have too many scheduled jobs already running or you don't have permission to set on up. See: Scheduled apex jobs.
A generic error occurred whilst processing mapping and matching rules. This can mean that Eventbrite attendee data may not make it's way into Salesforce Leads and contacts. Try performing a full sync. If you continue see this code, please contact us with any details around what actions had occurred that resulted in this error.
Unable to process the request to perform the page layouts. The deployment request failed. Check the accompanying message for details.
You have configure a lead, contact or account Rule, however the underlying rule no longer exists. Check for associated Salesforce Matching Rules. They should be active. See: Matching rules.
Unable to connect whilst making an API call. If you continue see this code, please contact us with any details around what actions had occurred that resulted in this error.
An error occurred when the order batch was processing. This could result in Eventbrite orders not being synced to Salesforce. Try performing a full sync. If you continue see this code, please contact us with any details around what actions had occurred that resulted in this error.
An error occurred whilst linking Email activity from either Campaign Monitor or Emma with Eventbrite attendee data. If you continue see this code, please contact us with any details around what actions had occurred that resulted in this error.
An error occurred whilst trying to create a Salesforce opportunities from Eventbrite orders. Check the accompanying error for further details on why the Opportunity could not be created (i.e. restricted Salesforce fields etc). If you continue see this code, please contact us with any details around what actions had occurred that resulted in this error.
Your user Id does not have the correct permissions to access the Security settings page. Typically you need to be assigned the Salesforce admin profile (primarily access to the Salesforce object named PermissionSetAssignment).
The application attempts to create any Salesforce campaign member statuses that have been mapped. If it's unable to create a new status (i.e. a Salesforce governor limit has been reached on the number of statuses have been created).
The sync failed whilst running a batch job. Check associated error message.
A generic error occurred whilst syncing Eventbrite events to Salesforce Eventbrite objects (Eventbrite_Event__c, Eventbrite_Ticket_Class__c, Eventbrite_Venue__c and Eventbrite_Question__c). Try performing a full sync. If you continue see this code, please contact us with any details around what actions had occurred that resulted in this error.
Salesforce user does not have enough permissions to view package licence details. Check associated message.
An error occurred whilst processing generic configuration data. This could be due to connection difficulties with Eventbrite. Try waiting a few minutes are run a full sync from the Sync settings page. If you continue see this code, please contact us with any details around what actions had occurred that resulted in this error.
A general error occurred whilst attempting to sync data from Eventbrite. Check Flex queues and try syncing again.
An error occurred whilst trying to create a Salesforce campaign members from Eventbrite attendees. Check the accompanying error for further details on why the Campaign member could not be created (i.e. restricted Salesforce fields etc). If you continue see this code, please contact us with any details around what actions had occurred that resulted in this error.
An error occurred whilst trying to access or perform an action on the Billing page. If you continue see this code, please contact us with any details around what actions had occurred that resulted in this error.
An error occurred whilst trying to create a Salesforce campaign from Eventbrite events. Check the accompanying error for further details on why the campaign could not be created (i.e. restricted Salesforce fields etc). If you continue see this code, please contact us with any details around what actions had occurred that resulted in this error.
An error occurred whilst processing Eventbrite answer data. Typically this is due to custom Salesforce triggers, processes, validation rules you may have configured in your Salesforce org that are preventing the mapped answer data from saving. Check the complete message for next steps.
The Eventbrite API is temporarily unavailable or unresponsive. This can occur on any callout to Eventbrite. Typically the best option is to wait a few minutes and try the same action again. You can see current Eventbrite maintenance windows or outages here:
A generic error occurred whilst syncing Eventbrite attendees to Salesforce Eventbrite objects (Eventbrite_Attendee__c and Eventbrite_Answer__c). Try performing a full sync. If you continue see this code, please contact us with any details around what actions had occurred that resulted in this error.