5 minute read
Subscriber Lists & Members
  • A subscriber list is made up of subscriber list members.

  • A subscriber list member is an email address that belongs to a subscriber list.

  • If you already have lists set up in Campaign Monitor, they will be pulled into Salesforce during the setup process.

Subscriber Lists

To send Campaign Monitor emails you will need a subscriber list. Subscriber lists can be created in Campaign Monitor or Salesforce. If you connect an existing Campaign Monitor account which already has subscriber lists these will added to Salesforce during the setup process.

Video Overview


Creating a List

We recommend creating a subscriber list in Salesforce as it will instantly be added to Campaign Monitor.  If you have created a list in Campaign Monitor, it will be added to Salesforce when the primary sync runs, typically every hour.

To create a subscriber list in Salesforce:

1. Go to the CM Subscriber list tab.
2. Click the Create List button.
3. Enter a List Name.
4. You can click Create list or choose options within the collapsed sections details below.

List Types
When creating a subscriber list, the default setting is single opt-in, which does not require confirmation. If you choose confirmed opt-in, subscribers will receive a confirmation email upon being added to the list.

Adding someone to a confirmed opt-in subscriber list will automatically trigger the sending of a confirmation email.

Subscriber List Home

Once the list has been created you will see a dedicated home page split into several sections. Below is a description of which each section contains -

This section contains the list name, type and the unsubscribe settings.

This section contains details stats on the total list.

Allows you to see the members related to the subscriber list, you can search and click into the membership record for more details.

Segments are built and maintained in Campaign Monitor. Once built they will be reflected back here on the subscriber list. It is worth noting this information is visualised in Salesforce and is not stored due to API limitations so you won't be able to report on segments in Salesforce.

Import Wizard
The import wizard is the easiest and best way to get data into Campaign Monitor. To learn more please click here.

Create Leads/Contacts
Typically data flows from Salesforce to Campaign Monitor. But you can choose to create Salesforce Lead or Contact records from Campaign Monitor data. To learn more please click here.

Subscriber Rules
Subscriber rules offer simple automation to add or remove a lead or contact from the subscriber list. To learn more please click here.

Field Mappings
If you are adding records to Campaign Monitor outside of our import wizard you can set up field mappings (limited to contact or lead) to include custom field data. You can also map data from Campaign Monitor to Salesforce. To learn more click here.

Subscriber List Settings

Just like in Campaign Monitor you can choose the opt-in type.

Single opt-in means new subscribers are added to this list as soon as they complete the subscribe form. Confirmed opt-in means a confirmation email will be sent with a link they must click to validate their address.

Unsubscribe Settings
You can choose to Remove subscribers from all lists or Only remove from this list. The recommended setting is to remove from all lists. This ensure you don't risk sending an email to somebone who has previously unsubscribed. Removed email addresses won't get imported into any new lists. This also applies to bounced addresses.

Deleting a List

When you delete a subscriber list in Salesforce, it will instantly be removed from Campaign Monitor. If you have deleted a list in Campaign Monitor, the primary sync will need to run to remove it from Salesforce.

1. Go to the subscriber list tab.
2. Click on the list you want to delete.
3. Click the delete button.

You can only delete a subscriber list if you have one of our permission sets. If you have our standard permission set you can only delete a subscriber list that belong to you as the Salesforce record owner.

Renaming a List

You can rename a list in Salesforce or Campaign Monitor. If you rename in Salesforce we will instantly update Campaign Monitor. However, if you update in Campaign Monitor you will need to wait for the primary sync to run, which by default runs every hour.

To edit a list in Salesforce:

1. Go to the subscriber list tab.
2. Click on the subscriber list you want to edit.
3. Go to the Details screen and click Edit.
4. Change the List Name and click Save.

Subscriber Memberships Component

When you first install our product we will automatically add our subscriber list membership related list to your contact or lead pages. We also have a Lightning component which can do more.

Work with any object or email field

Unlike a related list the component can be added to any Salesforce Lightning page.ou can also select, via the cog icon, which email field to use (the related list can only work with the standard email field).

Manage Lists

The manage lists button will allow you to add or remove a person from one or more Campaign Monitor subscriber lists.

Subscriber Membership table

The table shows which lists an email address is on and their current state in Campaign Monitor. To the right of every membership record is a dropdown menu:

1. Subscriber Detail - This will take you to the subscriber membership details record for more click here.

2. Subscriber List - This will take you to the Subscriber list record in Salesforce.

3. Email Audit - This is a useful tool to get audit information on a subscriber.

Just below are the open and click rates for the email address.

Your Salesforce system administrator can add the component to the page. This animation shows how easy it is.

Subscriber List Members

In Campaign Monitor when an email address is added to a subscriber list, a susbcriber list membership record is created. Our primary sync will create subscriber list membership records in Salesforce everytime it run, by default every hour. These records are linked to Salesforce contacts or leads, matched by email address.

There are a couple of ways to find a subscriber list membership record. The fastest way is usually to go to a Salesforce contact or lead. There will be a related list called subscriber list membership. You can also go to a subscriber list record and search via the members screen.
To add the component simply edit the Lighting Page and drag and drop the component called Subscriber Memberships onto the page.

Video Overview


Member Details

The view in Campaign Monitor button will open up Campaign Monitor within Salesforce and show the subscriber list membership record there. The Refresh button allows you to refresh the data from Campaign Monitor for this specific record. The open rate and click rate are calculated based on Salesforce's email tracking history data.

The refresh button will immediatley start a job to pull data from Campaign Monitor.  It can take a couple of minutes to update the subscriber record in Salesforce often far less.

You can also see if the record is linked to a Salesforce contact or lead and their current subscriber state.  You can also manually email opt-in/out a person, triggering an update in Campaign Monitor.


As per the screenshot above within the system information section, there is an option to view an audit.  Once clicked you will see information captured about this subscriber, as illustrated below.

A key field is the Initial Import Summary as it will show how a record was added to Campaign Monitor. Just above you will see the date and time the email address joined the list. There are several ways a person can be added to a subscriber list:

Added manually
When a record is manually added from the contact or lead subscriber list membership-related list.

Subscriber rule
When a record is added via contact or lead subscriber rule.

Invokable action
When a record is added via our invokable action, invokable actions can be used in process builder, flow, or custom code.

Import Wizard
When a record is added via our import wizard.

Imported from Campaign Monitor
When a record is added to Campaign Monitor directly, not via our integration.

Member Lists

This shows you any other lists this subscriber's email address is linked to and their current status.

Email History

This screen shows any associated tracking email statistics for all lists, this can be filtered by the list your email campaign was based on.  In addition to standard campaign data, you will also see tracking from Campaign Monitor journeys.

Currently, Campaign Monitor API does not allow tracking data from journeys to be pulled back in batch. To observe Salesforce limits we visualize the data in Salesforce instead of storing it.

Custom values

Your subscriber list can contain custom fields.  This screen shows you what values are stored in Campaign Monitor for this list.

Emai Opt-Out, Bounce Mangement and the Suppression list.

We have a dedicated article on this area please click here to review.


Merging Salesforce contacts can have different outcomes depending on the scenario. It is important to note that the losing record(s) will be deleted when a merge occurs in Salesforce. So it's the same as if you had independently deleted a record in Salesforce. Below are some common scenarios with expected outcomes.

When two Contacts are merged and they both have the same email address on them and the same subscriber lists

Campaign Monitor only allows an email address to appear once on a subscriber list. If the merged contacts have the same email address then they would only appear on the subscriber list once.

A subscriber list membership record will only link to one contact, generally the record that is the most recently modified. When a merge happens the subscriber list membership record will appear under the winning contact.

When two Contacts are merged that have the same email address but are on different subscriber lists

If two contacts have the same email address and each contact is active on a different subscriber list, then after the merge, the winning contact will remain with the subscriber list as it was before the merge. Whilst the subscriber list status of the losing contact will be set to deleted and this deleted status will appear on the winning contact record after the primary sync next runs (typically hourly).

The losing contact record will be set to deleted on the corresponding subscriber list in Campaign Monitor.

When two Contacts are merged and have different email addresses but are on the same Subscriber list(s)

The winning contact will remain active on any subscriber lists. The losing contacts subscriber list membership records will be marked as deleted and may appear (for a short time - until the primary sync runs) on the subscriber list membership related list for the winning contact. The primary sync removes the subscriber list membership record from the winning contact.

When two Contacts are merged and they have different email addresses and are on different subscriber lists

The winning contact will remain active on any subscriber lists and will be added to any subscriber lists the losing contact was on and marked active.

The losing contacts subscriber list membership records will be marked as deleted and may appear in the subscriber list membership related list for the winning contact for a short time until the sync which runs every hour by default unparents the subscriber list membership record.

Next Steps

Below are two articles that are recommended reading and the best next steps.


I can't see your invocable actions?

Will the consent to send SMS field work on unsubscribed records?

How do I manually unsubscribe a person?

What does "Subscriber no longer exist" mean when viewing a Subscriber detail?

Do you support person accounts?

How do I rename a subscriber list?

Do you support Chinese characters

What happens when I change an email address in Campaign Monitor?

Do you only create records based on active subscribers?

Why has a subscriber been set to deleted in Campaign Monitor?

Can I view Campaign Monitor segments in Salesforce?

What is the Suppression List?

What is the best way to test?

How do I purge a deleted Campaign Monitor record from Salesforce?

How do I delete a subscriber list?

Can a subscriber list membership record be linked to both a contact and a lead?

What happens when email address changes in Salesforce?

Campaign Monitor email templates

Why was a record unsubscribed?

How can I add records directly to Campaign Monitor suppression list?

How can troubleshoot a subscriber not being updated?

Can I find out how a record was added to Campaign Monitor?

Can I stop subscriber list membership records from being created?

What is re-subscribing and how does it work at the subscriber level?

What are the different types of opt in at the list level?

How can I find out why a subscriber member was not added to Campaign Monitor?

In this article