Manage general settings
8 minute read
  • Primary sync settings & storage management.

  • General options and maintenance.

  • Salesforce campaign settings.

  • User security.

  • Manage billing (card details, invoices etc).

Sync Settings

This screen focuses on the primary sync, which pulls data from Campaign Monitor every hour and stores it in Salesforce. Below we have setup how this screen works in its component parts.
Import frequency will be set to hourly this can be changed by clicking on the dropdown arrow, although we'd recommend using the default setting. The next run is the date and time the primary sync is next schedule to start.

The primary sync runs against a specific Salesforce user called the Salesforce Sync User. Generally, this is both a Salesforce system administrator and the person who initially set up the integration.  This can be changed by clicking the icon next to the user name. The sync status refers to the last sync, if there is a problem it will be shown here and within the maintenance section.

If you need to stop the primary sync from running, click the turn off sync button. The sync now button will run the primary sync.  The dropdown button has a few additional options explained below:By default the

Full Campaign Monitor Sync

A full sync we will first remove the data we have loaded from Campaign Monitor into Salesforce.  Your data is safe in Campaign Monitor and this only affects our custom objects, it does not impact your standard objects i.e. Contacts or Leads. It will then re-import using the latest Campaign Monitor data.Once started a number of jobs will be kicked off to align your data.  This can take some time to complete but you are free to navigate away from the page and use Salesforce normally.  Once the full sync has been completed your data will be aligned to Campaign Monitor.

Change Salesforce Sync User

This process will move the Salesforce sync user to the logged in user. It is useful if a person is no longer active in Salesforce and you need to move our sync processes.

Reconnect to Campaign Monitor

If the Campaign Monitor user is no longer active, you will first need to set up a new full-access user in Campaign Monitor. Once you have that you can use those details to reconnect Salesforce. Make sure that the new Campaign Monitor user has both full access and is added to the same Campaign Monitor account as was originally connected.

When you reconnect using this method, only the authentication details will be removed from Salesforce. If you have multiple Campaign Monitor clients, then be sure to select them all when reconnecting (otherwise, the associated Salesforce configuration details such as import wizards, mappings, etc, will be removed from Salesforce for the client that was not selected).‍

Disconnect from Campaign Monitor

This process will disconect the connected Campaign Monitor account.

Campaign Monitor Clients

On the sync settings screen you will see a table called Campaign Monitor Clients. This table shows any Campaign Monitor accounts connected to Salesforce, the last time they synced and if the connection is still active. In addition to this we also show the Salesforce Security Owner which is usually the same as the Salesforce Sync User. You can change the Salesforce Security Owner if you would like us to create Campaign Monitor records in Salesforce under a specific record owner which can be useful whn work with standard Salesforce security. To learn more about Salesforce record ownership and how it can be used for security please click here.

Most Campaign Monitor accounts will be direct i.e. just a single account.

However, if you are on our Enterprise plan and have connected a Campaign Monitor agency account you can also sync the sub-accounts contained within the agency. You just need to click the Select Clients button. Once clicked a modal will appear showing the sub-accounts you can then add or remove accounts before hitting Save.


Like any app that creates records, Campaign Monitor for Salesforce uses some of your record storage capacity.  Each Salesforce record takes approximately 2KB, so if you have 10,000 active subscribers, syncing the subscribers alone will take up approximately 20MB of space. For most customers storage will not be a concern but below are some key points to help should you need to reduce the records our application creates.

tracking history

By default, the last 180 days are stored. Using this section, you can tune how much data is stored in Salesforce, increasing or decreasing storage usage. A quick way to free up space is to limit the days to keep field as shown above. You can also exclude email types, for example only show opens, click and sents. The days to keep and types can be combined so for example it could be you show the last 90 days of sent emails.

Lightning Component

You can also reduce or stop email tracking history all together by setting the days to keep to zero. We have a Lightning component that can be added to the contact or lead page layouts that will surface email tracking history data instead. Click here to learn more.

Campaign Members

We also update Salesforce Campaign Members with aggregated tracking history (if you have enabled this option). However, it is worth noting that campaign member data stats will only be updated using email tracking records we create and store in Salesforce.

It is worth noting your data is always safe in Campaign Monitor we just take a copy.

General Options

This screen shows several options that, when enabled, configure how our product works.  Next to each option is a help hint icon which, when hovered over, will give more information.

Email Opt In/Out

Email opt in/out has a few different settings. We have a dedicated article to help please click here to review. If you do enable these options it is important that Salesforce users have one of our permission sets to allow updates to flow to Campaign Monitor.

When we sync the email opt-out field, we update the contact or lead object.  Other processes and custom code will be triggered which can conflict with this update.

Sync Options

Generally the options in this section are not enabled with the exception of the first two items. These options allow you to trigger journeys in Campaign Monitor if records are being added by our integration. And the account trigger option is useful if you working with subscriber rules and the contact and account objects.

Disabling triggers will effectively stop our application from working which can be useful when troubleshooting or testing.

The suppression list is optionally. If you wish this can also be synced to Salesforce. When enabled it will create a suppression record in Salesforce for all Campaign Monitor suppressed records.


As we continue to improve the product additional options will appear in this section. We always make the options as self-explanatory as possible with helpful hints.

Salesforce Campaigns

Campaign Settings
You can manually link a Salesforce Campaign to a sent Campaign Monitor Campaign. Or you can have the integration automatically create a Salesforce Campaign and link it when a sent Campaign Monitor Campaign is synced.  Keep in mind that there is no need to create Salesforce campaigns.  Email tracking history will flow into Salesforce without them. We also create our Campaign Monitor Campaign records in Salesforce.

But if you have manually created and linked a Salesforce campaign, you need to make sure the Update the linked Salesforce campaign with Campaign Monitor campaign statistics option is enabled. Just beneath that, there is an option to auto-create Salesforce Campaigns. When a Salesforce Campaign is created, we create campaign member records based on the Campaign Monitor campaign.

Campaign Filter
You can limit campaigns using filters in this section. If you choose to enter a start date only campaigns sent after this date will be created. You can also filter by Tags used in Campaign Monitor.  Simply active and select the tags you want to work with.

Each industry has there own average open and click rates. By enabling this feature you can seen comparision on our Campaign Monitor Campaign records stored in Salesforce.

Campaign Statuses
You can choose to have the Salesforce Campaign Member status updated every time the primary sync runs.  We can also auto create campaign member statuses automatically.

Map Statuses
The map status table allows you to specify the status values in Salesforce based on their Campaign Monitor counterparts. By enabling the auto create option, we will also add those values to the linked Salesforce Campaign.

SMS Settings

SMS is only available in our Enterprise plan.

SMS settings allow you to push mobile numbers from Salesforce to Campaign Monitor. If your Campaign Monitor account has been enabled to use SMS you can enable this feature.

To comply with SMS standards the mobile number needs a particular format. For example a US cell number like (555) 555-1234 would not work.  To help we can transform the number when syncing with Campaign Monitor so that it meets the standard. For example is the United States of America is selected (555) 555-1234 will import into Campaign Monitor as +15555551234.

How to add a mobile number to Campaign Monitor
The easiest option is to include a mobile number in a Salesforce report or list view. You can then use our import wizard to map to the mobile number field. If you are adding records using one of our other features for example manually or via a flow you could use field mappings.
Consent to Send

In addition to adding a mobile number you also need to send over consent to send to Campaign Monitor. Just like adding a mobile number the easiest way is to map the data using our import wizard or field mappings features. Keep in mind that Salesforce does not have a standard field for consent to send SMS so you might need to add a custom checkbox field first. Once you have a field in Salesforce you can map to Campaign Monitor Consent To Sent SMS field. This appears on field mappings, as shown below, and the field mappings section contained within the import wizard.
Consent to Track

Campaign Monitor standard constent to track field which can be found on the subscriber membership record applies to both email tracking and SMS import wizard or field mappings features.

Campaign Monitor  SMS feature is not available to all account and is currently limited to certain countries. Check with Campaign Monitor first before enabling theses settings.


1. Do I need to install anything else?
No our product already includes SMS it just needs to be set up as above.

2. Is there any additional cost?
There are no additional costs in regard to our Salesforce integration.

3. Can I see SMS activity history?
Currently Campaign Monitor APIs don't support this.


The maintenance page allows you to set up or remove page layouts and view system messages.

Page Layouts

When the application is first installed into Salesforce, the page layouts (buttons, fields, related lists, etc.) will be automatically set up.  If for any reason, you need to undo this automation or you have and want to re-apply the page layouts, you need to come to this page and click on the appropriate button.

Although rare it is possible for the automated page layout out process not to work due a to a conflict. This FAQ shows how to manually set up page layouts.

Maintenance Messages

This table shows messages captured in Salesforce, which might help when troubleshooting.  To view additional information, click on the dropdown to the right and view.  The support code will open up our website and provide specific guidance. There is also an audit log option to show system changes.

Internal Governor Limits

By clicking the cog icon on the page (top right hand corner) you have the possibility of accessing a screen to manage internal governor limits. For most customers the default settings do not need to be changed, and this is a very advanced operation.

But via this screen you can change the default value for a particular job. For example if you are hitting a limit on our email opt-out batch job you can decrease the value. This will mean less records in the batch and more jobs.


If there is a problem we try to capture a log and add it our maintenace section with some guidance to help.  We also make use of Salesforce in-built notification system which appears as a bell icon on the top right of the screen. To help further you choose, via the maintenance settings above, to include a notification email address. If a new message added to maintenace the selected email address will be notified.

To add an email address.

1. Click here to go to maintenance.
2. Click on the Cog Icon on the top right.
3. In the notification email field type an email address and click save.

User Security

The user security page allows you to manage permissions. For more information, click here for our full article on billing.


The billing page allows you to manage billing details, view invoices, and resend them. For more information, click here for our full article on billing.

Next Steps

Below are two articles that are recommended reading and the best next steps.


What should I do if I see a heap size issue?

How do I work with the site guest user?

Standard Security Response Campaign Monitor

Can I turn off triggers?

Is it possible to connect more than one Salesforce Org to Campaign Monitor?

Insufficient permissions: secure query included inaccessible field

Do you support ICU Locale formats?

Can I tune the queue size table?

Are there any transactional rate limits in Campaign Monitor?

What type of user does the Salesforce sync user need to be?

Do you support platform licenses?

Can I get notifications when there are errors?

Why does the Campaign Monitor App not appear?

Can I use the Salesforce integration user to run the sync?

Does Campaign Monitor support SMS?

First error: wbsendit:Too many queueable jobs added to the queue: 2

How can I attach files

Two-Click Unsubscribes

What is the Salesforce Security Owner?

How does the integration work with hidden Campaign Monitor campaigns?

Can we use Campaign Monitor with Salesforce Flows?

Salesforce user does not have enough permissions to view package licence details.

I can't access the Salesforce Apps

Can I run the integration in more than one Salesforce Org? refused to connect

How do I manually assign a permission set?

How can I stop the sync process from Salesforce to Campaign Monitor?

How do I give Salesforce users access to Campaign Monitor?

Are there any special considerations when working with Salesforce MFA?

How does a full refresh work?

Can I connect more than one Campaign Monitor account to Salesforce?

Are there any API limitations?

Why are my Campaign Monitor journeys not being triggered?

How does merging a record affect Campaign Monitor data?

How can I work with a sandbox?

How does the upgrade process work?

How remove a connected Campaign Monitor sub-account?

How can I change the sync user?

How do I manually update page layouts?

How do I map Campaign Monitor statuses to Salesforce campaign member statuses?

What does the auto create missing campaign statuses features do?

When does the Salesforce campaign member status get updated?

When connecting Campaign Monitor to Salesforce what permissions should a user have?

How can I verify my Campaign Monitor account?

What is GDPR and how does it affect the integration?

How can I re-align my Campaign Monitor data in Salesforce?

In this article